Franklin here> WOW! Digest #498 - what a collaboration - very little filler!! lol So many interesting topics, perceptions, personalities. Kudos to all contributors!

Joseph in Manilla wrote>I too like Woody Allen films and I have two of his books: "WithoutFeathers" and "Side Effects". I think he is brilliant if films like "Crimes and Misdemeanors," "Hannah and her Sisters," "Annie Hall," and
"Manhattan" are concerned. Even in his misguided homage to Bergmann film
called "Shadows and Fog" has its innate charm, not only because of the use
of Kurt Weill's "Seven Deadly Sins" leitmotiv but because he can coax good
acting from a ensemble cast (even Madonna, though only a few minutes
onscreen, is good here).

Franklin> I totally agree with this entire paragraph. In spite of his questionable personal defects (odd, spontaneous, choice of words - is it redundant? Isn't that what a personal defect is - a recognized trait that is questionable? Which leads to another question: What about unrecognized personal defects? They must be reacted to in unrecognized ways... but I digress.) I think that the reliable ensemble casts Woody has built around his movies are extraordinary, similar to what John Sayles has done in many ways. I love both their use of recurring actors - the ones they rely on. Both also have a definite knack of bringing out the best from actors one might expect the least from - I personally have never been able to "get" Alan Alda (the TV "Mash" was such a shallow, boring, dare I say, nauseating "rip-off" of Altman's classic, ground-breaking anti-war film (even the making of the film was ground-breaking - they had to hide everything they were doing from the "suits" until the entire thing was finished and "in the can". That Altman! (but another topic altogether) As far as Alan Alda - I finally "got" the guy to some degree in "Crimes and Misdemeanors" - but then again "when in doubt typecast"? Sayles did the same for that guy from the idiotic TV series "The Rookies" or whatever it was called in "Matewan" (he played the bigger of the two tough Pinkerton private cops) which is IMO one of the ten or twenty greatest films of all time.

Not that familiar with his clarinet playing. Apparently, obiously, at the VERY least serious, and respected hobbyiest there.

Joseph>When the Soon Yi Previn case happened, I was disgusted with his person but still managed to watch his films because of the delight I associate with
them. I think his most underrated film of all time is "Husbands and Wives"
with great performances from everyone but most especially from Judy Davis,
Sydney POllack and Juliette Lewis.

Franklin> Agree on both thoughts.

Joseph> Of course, I realize that people have different views of Woody Allen as a person and as an artist. But this is how I see things and pop psychology
aside, this might be revealing of my personality.

Franklin> It IS revealing of your personality: you have both excellent taste AND high morals..LOL Thanks for the post - really enjoyed your thoughts. BTY - I don't know why, but I do find it rather odd that Woody and Joni have never worked together in film. They MUST know each other personally on some "artistic/personal" level. Wonder if he ever approached her to act in one of his fims? For some reason, it wouldn't surprise me - nor her replying "not interested". Who knows? Ah, the inherent worthlessness of conjecture!! hahaha

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