Colin wrote> Fear is the root of all things negative, I feel. ...
 Hatred is fear unrecognized and out of control.
Franklin> Wow... really powerful thought Colin. So, let me ask you (if I may) - is fear hatred recognized or "sensed" (subconsciously or otherwise) and in control?? I know it sounds kind of wishy-washy but as I pondered it (being mildly dyslexic, I see things "accidently" opposite sometimes) it actually kinda MAKES sense... SCARY! lol

Debra wrote back to Colin> I have to agree with all that. Yes, that makes complete sense. If there's indifference then there is no relationship so love or fear or hate don't even come into it, and people can just walk away, unless it's
family and then it's not always so simple.

Franklin> It's odd, but think of how much "fear" indifference, indifferently creates. The one ignored thinking "what is wrong with me? Is it something I said, did? Am I not worth anything? Is it my looks, social standing?" Indifference inadvertently breeds fear then, in many situations - unless the one passed by has a solid self-image. Oh, the unforeseen, unconcerned damage that indifference has caused could probably fill libraries throughout the ages. The human spirit wants, yearns to make a difference - the ultimate threat, hurt, insult then is when it is treated indifferently. In fact, you can't even say "treated indifferently", because indifference doesn't even stop to do that. It ignores, and thus in a way, refuses to acknowledge one's very existence.

Thanks for the mental stimulation you two -

NP Fleetwood Mac "Bare Trees" maof (miniscule amount of filler) plus some of the best interweaving guitar work from two of the most tasteful guitar players to ever grace the planet - Danny Kirwan and Bob Welsh - Kick-ass, refined guitar work!! Also some great songs - "Danny's Song" I just love!! Here is a guitar player "singing" with his guitar. It is his "voice" and he is communicating his feelings through it. There are is some cool meaningless, chanting, but that is almost the "instrumentation" (get it, it's backwards) for the guitar's "voice". Ah, those world-class pro "lead" guitar players, ya gotta love em' (worship is strictly optional) lol

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