(TIP: when contemplating along with 
> other "posters" other potential artists having created "three in a 
> row" ground-breaking, poetically profound, "filler-free" CDs in a 
> row; do not, I repeat, do not recommend L.A. Cowboy 
> http:www.mp3.lacowboy.com under any circumstances: or, word to the 
> wise, do so at your own risk - as it seems to noticeably irritate a 
> certain "poster" here for inexplicable reasons, as said "poster" has 
> confessed a lack of exposure and/or interest in above-stated artist's 
> music anyway!????)

If you're referring to me I never once said I was irritated and there was
nothing in any of my posts to indicate I was irritated.  I made it clear in
the beginning that my post was not about  the LA Cowboy but about the
statement that was made and it was a purely intellectual question in the
spirit of debate, out of curiosity more than anything else.  

As for whether or not I am interested in LA Cowboy's music, I have no idea
at this time and quite honestly, have neither the time, the energy, or the
money to even worry about it right now.  I have my hands quite full, and
most likely, will not even be able to pick up "Travelogue" tomorrow.

What I do find irritating is the assumption that just because I have not
expressed an interest in someone, one way or the other, I somehow "don't
like" them or am being critical of them just because I'm not immediately
jumping at the opportunity to listen to their music.  Being a virtually
unknown artist, I know very well about trying to get people to listen to
new music and how difficult it can be.

I actually appreciate the fact that you are so enthusiastic about this
artist.  However, you have to allow people a chance to take the initiative
to discover someone's music.  Just because they don't respond right away
does not mean they won't in the future.  

Have a little patience.  I have also found in most cases, the best
impression is made when you see someone perform live.

Victor, back from Atlanta 

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