Catherine wrote:

> 1. Travelogue was NOT released here in Canada today.
> They've pushed it back to November 26. How typical and
> how pain-in-the-ass-y can you get.

November 26th, huh?  Lucky you!

I called our local Borders store today, thinking they'd be up with the play.
Travelogue is current "on order" and will probably get here in about 3 or 4
weeks.  And it will cost $68.95.

Then I checked the website of the largest independent music store here in
Auckland, and they have it listed.  It can be ordered from the UK, and will
take 3 or 4 weeks to arrive.  And the cost is $84.95.

Lucky I have friends in the US, isn't it?!  One very good friend, in

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