honorary canadian patrick leader wrote: 

<<<many of us unitedstatesians know and love the canadian mentality, complete
with the inferiority complex. one of my best friends in the world, living
down here in nyc for 16 yrs, is a canadian (halifax, ns) (though his
inferiority complex is nonexistent). and just a warning: we have many
canadians on the list and the US even kidnapped one! just ask magsnbrei!>>>
gush gush gush all this talk about Canada now has lifted my spirits so much!!! 
As far as the complex is concerned yes we do have a lot of fun with that aspect of our 
canadianesse. we just like to make fun of ourselves to cover it all up anyway. the 
reality is, we just want you to THINK that we think we are inferior. (yikes, send in 
the grammar police !)

<<<one of the best folks i've ever met on this list is roberto holliston, who
lives out in victoria>>>

Roberto is a sweetheart, a true mensch in every sense of the word. I was having Oh 
Canada withdrawal at Fest and he gave me the shirt right off his back !

<<<however, i'm starting to think that this vaunted canadian insecurity is more
a treasured source of humour than a real character trait. every canadian i
know mentions it, and then works it. my favourite author ever (of any
nationality) is canadian robertson davies, who never felt inferior to anyone
on the planet. he used to tweak canadian insecurity mercilessly,
hilariously, but he celebrated canadian culture.>>

right on patrick re: working that insecurity trait. (which we do have but dont like to 
admit to it in a serious manner, thus the hiding behind humour). absolutely. and you 
know,  it's hard to pinpoint what it is that is different about canada and being 
canadian...and then there's my newfound twist of being a canadian in the US of eh. 
alas, the difference is there. 

i get such a kick out of all the impressions Ive heard down here about Canada and what 
it is to be Canadian from another perspective.Ive given up saying Im from a specific 
city.. and just go along, now claiming the entire country "Canada" as my home. I will 
be presenting my "how to use a cheese slicer in ten easy lessons" seminar coupled with 
teaching the metric system this weekend. 


one more thing i need to mention from Andrew's post:

><<We're the
>nation that looks in the mirror and asks other nations, "Do we
>look fat in this?">>>

prime example right there. Bravo Andrew oh kindred kanadian spirit.

Mags, quite enjoying her captivity ;-PP

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