
> I guess what I mean by "hitting a wall" isn't the point when Tipper will
> step in and "check the checkers" and no one can turn on MTV to see some good
> T and A when the mood hits them , <clip> And I am definitely happy to live in
> a country where if Christina Agularia wants to roll around like a muskrat in
> heat she has all the freedom in the world to do so. I guess it comes down to
> conscious parenting, and once again I am rambliing on an on.

So many Eminem references in one post, and all from one song, White America!

For the name Erica, and MTV, we have the chorus:

"White America! I could be one of your kids
White America! Little Eric looks just like this
White America! Erica loves my shit
I go to TRL; look how many hugs I get!"

As for Tipper Gore and her partner in censorship, Lynne Cheney, we have:

"I am the derringer aimed at little Erica to attack her character
The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns
Sent to lead the march right up to the steps of Congress
and piss on the lawns of the White House
To burn the {flag} and replace it with a Parental Advisory sticker
To spit liquor in the faces of this democracy of hypocrisy
Fuck you Ms. Cheney! Fuck you Tipper Gore!"

And as for free speech in general:

How many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful country of ours?
The stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect
The women and men who have broke their necks for the freedom of speech
the United States government has sworn to uphold or so we're told...

... I must've struck a chord with somebody up in the office
Cause Congress keep tellin me, I ain't causin nuthin but problems
And now they're sayin I'm in trouble with the government - I'm lovin it!..."

Oh well, someone had to break up the T'log love feast with something nasty and
for that I can always be counted on.  Em also makes several Christina Aguilera
references in other songs, but we can all assume that Em does not care for
either her music nor Britney Spears' nor boy bands either, and particularly
dislikes N'Sync.

As for T'log and why I have this time on my hands:

Amazon has not shipped my T'log yet - what is up with that -

and I went to all the local stores and no one has it in stock.

However, they did have in stock Jay-Z's newest, TLC's newest, and Matchbox 20's
newest, so I stocked up on those.  Amazing that I can buy great rap, r&b, and
white boy rock in this town but can't get Joni Mitchell.  What kind of thing is

Just kidding, America, you know I love you.

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