I agree, Kate, that the reviewers have missed the point. And I haven't even heard the 
record yet! I've heard some songs via the Website and have been intrigued to the point 
of total excitement. I am also not a "Joni can do no wrong" fan and actually dislike 
some of her songs, but Travelogue is so vastly different than anything anyone has 
done, fans just have to be enamoured. I frankly think that people are a little afraid 
of it. If I was a reviewer not familiar with Joni's pursuit of new territory as the 
undercurrent of her musical development, I'd be totally intimidated by Travelogue. 
"Hmmm, which box do I put it in? The Britney box? No. The McCartney box? No. 
Classical? No. Jazz? Not really..." I see the potential for insanity. 


As for Will & Grace, I may as well weigh in. I hate it. I'm gay and find it sort of 
offensive to watch two straight men act like gay men. Something about it rubs me the 
wrong way. It's the new version of "blackface" in show business, getting heteros to 
play homos as stereotypically as possible while homos are eternally kept in the 
broadway chorus lines. Show me a show about REAL gay lives and maybe I'll be 
interested. And, no, don't get me started on Queer As Folk...

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