Regarding matters of opinion, I'm always interested in
what others think of Joni's work, whether it's a
glowing review or a scathing criticism. I think when
an artist releases an album, a book, a movie or
publicly unveils a painting, he or she understands
that not everyone will love it, even those who may
follow their work. They are essentially offering it to
the public for consumption and not all will find it

Taking criticism is par for the course for any artist.
Besides, Joni is one of the most opinionated people
around so I'm sure she can take it as easily as she
can dish it out, although would probably rush to
defend her art, LOUDLY, if given the chance to
confront her critics. 

Russ is obviously a long-time Joni fan and his opinion
is surely valid and welcome. At least in my in-box.

And here's a dandy of a quote to keep in mind:

"Never, for the sake of peace and quiet, deny your own
experience or convictions." 

- Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Dag Hammarskjold

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