Thanks for the additional info, Mike. Didn't know there was a
controversy about Dorman's play. I heard that Glenn Close was next to
incandescent during the Broadway run of this play. She was ably supported by
Gene Hackman and Richard Dreyfuss.

I did read something funny about an April 1 performance of DEATH AND A
MAIDEN on Broadway. When the performance was about to start, there was
an announcement that Glenn Close, Richard Dreyfuss and Gene Hackman will
not perform that night. As if on cue, more than half of the audience rose
to leave the hall. Then, came an "April Fools Day" addition. They
laughingly went back to their seats and were immediately quiet. But not
the performers. When Glenn Close came out, she was visibly giggling and
they had to stop and do it again.

> I love this movie and also wonder what Judi Davis would have done with
> Paulina's part. Trivia moment: The play was produced here in Barcelona
> some years ago and the writer (Ariel Dorfman) threatened to withdraw
> performing rights if the director refused to change his (the
> director's) ending which went contrary to the writer's ending. Without
> spoiling the ending I'll just say that the theatrical version here
> ended, like the film, with the 3 protagonists listening to 'Death and
> the Maiden' but then a shot rings out in the concert hall. Big
> controversy here over it and I think that the director initially
> refused to change his version but eventually did. Any of you guys out
> there have any opinions on that?

The only other real case of Stockholm Syndrome I know was Patricia Hearst
and her captors. When she was kidnapped, she was brainwashed and she later
called herself Tanya -- 180 degrees different from the Patty Hearst

In literature I remember Anne Tyler's "Earthly Possessions" about a
married woman who was kidnapped by a younger guy. It was made into a movie
with Susan Sarandon and Brad Douriff or something.

> And before I go, and thinking of the Stockholm Syndrome, I went to
> dinner the other night with someone originally from Argentina and she
> knows of a couple living here in bcn, he a torturer and his wife the
> former victim. Weird or what? Serious question.

Joseph in Manila

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