"Jim L'Hommedieu (Lama)" wrote:

> Hey Randy,
> Welcome back from the shadows.  :)

Thanks, Lama, good to be back, I love y'all even when I'm
being argumentative! More>

> You said,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> I just wonder what it would have sounded like with a different
> collaborator, maybe Phillip Glass or ???
> >>>>>>>>>>
> Here's a preview of first 5 second of Phillip Glass'es arrangements of three
> Joni tracks:
> Track 1:
> "
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do (Repeat for 4:15)"
> Track 2:
> "
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do (Repeat for 6:10)
> "
> On Track 3 he pulls out ALL of the stops:
> "do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> beep
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do
> do-do- doo-do (Repeat for 8:52)"

Ha! and touche- >>

> On another topic, I need your advice on vinyl.  I'm thinking of buying a
> used VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine.  Is the latest thinking that machines
> still make sense or, as Stereophile seems to suggest, just replacing my
> Discwasher brush with a Disc Doctor brush is the thing to do.  What do you
> think?

I have not used a machine, but my understanding is that the machines
that employ a vacuum system are more effective than brushes. I still
use the Discwasher, but if you are serious about vinyl, and have
a high-end turntable/cartridge, maybe a machine is the way to go.

NP-Dolly Parton "Stairway To Heaven" via bluegrass.

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