Ashara wrote:

>the Canadian idea of dessert is
> cheese and fruit- CHEESE and FRUIT?????? What's up
> with THAT???) 

and then Catherine wrote:

Cheese and fruit? Not this Canadian. Give me something
sweet and preferably chocolate, especially for holiday
feasts. (Cheese and fruit is lunch. Then cookies for

and now moi:

Dessert in Canada is a regional thing. In Nova Scotia, they have blueberry grunt (no 
s*** sherlock, thats what it's called!) ... or ginger bread (which isnt bread at all, 
it's cake) with a glop of vanilla ice cream on it which of course melts some because 
the ginger thingity is warm out of the Ontario...chocolate...and nothing but 
chocolate...and in Vancouver...voila....cheese and fruit....there you have it. ;-P
hope you two lurv birds have a wonderful time. :-) 
talk to you soon. 
magsula and brei who just returned from in-laws Tdinner...and we can barely move we 
are soooo full. oooooooph. 


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