I can't possibly pass this one up.

mtotzke wrote:

 she has written some lyrics unworthy of her great talent?

First of all, how could that be, since she wrote them?

MAN makes me shudder:
> "I was scared / I thought / Oh--I hope he can care-- /
> I sure hope I can care / I hope we can really care / And
> share woman to man."
> This from a woman who wrote: "Now I am surf rising /
> Now parched ribs of sand at his side" ???

Sometimes the subtlety of words can be just as powerful as the convoluted
ones, so to write.   And
if I know Joan, she meant them exactly the way that she wrote them.  And
remember--she thought "Oh, I hope he can care."  Sounds pretty darn logical
to me.  I can almost feel the lack of breath in her voice (her mind) as she
gasps.  Now, if this woman or anyone else is having spontaneous thoughts
such as the more complicated lyric, then I have to worry about that.

> Though I think the THREE GREAT is a flawed
> masterpiece (again, the production), this drives
> me mad: "Artifice, brutality and innocence /
> Artifice and innocence." Huh? What happened to
> "brutality"?

Yes, a masterpiece.  From start to finish and flawed, I think not!  I love
the production.  I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

> FICTION and TAX FREE: Cliche after cliche after cliche.

Unbelievable.  Is life not a cliche'?  Are the daily events in which we live
cliche'?  Of course they are.  Masterpieces?  Oh, yes.  How one mind could
put those emotions on paper and then into music is astounding, incredible,
fascinating, and unbelievable.  I am simply awed each time I listen to them.
They both evoke as much emotion in me as she has put there for me.
Understanding, light, anger, fear, love?, hate, darkness, etc.  It goes on
and on and on.  Driving into the soul, waking me up, letting me see.
Damnit, Joan.  I love you.

> ETHIOPIA: Unfortunately marred by "Famine
> phantoms at the garden gate."

This piece is pure perfection.

> My problem with DED overall is that Joni is
> often writing GENERALLY -- when her
> great strength is writing SPECIFICS. You
> know? And I want to yell: "Get off the couch,
> Joni, turn off the boob tube and get out there
> in the world. You're not OBSERVING." Plus,
> I really miss her descriptions of the natural
> world--always so beautiful.

This is absolutely absurd.  Off of the boob tube?  I must ascertain that it
is you that is not observing.  This album is visionary.  Amazed at how it
could be applied to now and it was written years ago, and it still fits.  As
for observation, I do believe you should do this, not Joni.  'fiction of the
boob tube', she wrote.   This album has even surpassed the big three, for
me, from beginning to end.

> Thank God for IMPOSSIBLE (but lose
> the synth, please) and LUCKY GIRL.

Again, perfection. (impossible dreamer) and Lucky Girl is a fine tune,
finely done.


The only problem I have with this album is that I simply cannot hear Joni.

> WINDFALL: Beneath you, Joni. I thought you
> didn't want to bore us with songs about
> "rich people's problems."

Could you do one ounce as well?  This woman is a genius, musically,
lyrically.  Study would suit the issue as there is obviously great
misunderstanding here.

> (which I find a bit of a bore, I'm
> afraid): "You snipe so steady / You
> snub so snide-- / So ripe and ready /
> To diminish and deride!" A little
> illiteration goes a long way.

Again, are you kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A lyric for the ages.


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