Thanks Les (and Catherine)

What I thought was great is that the article is not *all* about her same old
rant on the music biz and the interviewer comments on Joni's remarks along
the way to at least try to put them in the context that she is not coming
off as a arrogant (b)witch in tone, but is "refreshing, articulate,
insightful, funny, jolly, and cheerful."  Also was happily surprised to hear
Joni saying how much she loved Robert Downey Jr.'s "River" and her singling
out of Bjork and Norah Jones - "I like her because I don't hear ambition in
her voice."  Neat.  A little surprised at the slight swipes at Judy Collins
and Streisand, too!  Some new material here and finally an interview that
shows the reader a little bit more of Joni's funny, sweet and quirky side.


NP:  Be Cool (the new version -whoo hoo)

> It's here for all to read in PDF format.
> (Catherine McKay is currently typing it for the Library)

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