agreeing with kakki, here. i just finished reading this article after
passing up the chance earlier on. i've had a gutfull of some of the
harshness expressed in joni's name and appearing in articles. so often i'm
left with the notion that i'm reading more about the interviewer than the
interviewee and also sensing the 'sell' rather than any message.

reading this i have a much clearer and more plausible impression of the
woman who's work means so much to me.

in this piece i particularly liked that she picks up on the robert downey
(ali mcbeal) and frances conroy (six feet under) 'performances'. i like that
it matters to her and that she doesn't come off as too cool to acknowledge.
after all these years i'm still pleased to be reassured in this way.

and i love the bit about her 'sunday boys'....wanna be in that gang!!

anyhoo, back to monday and work.


les (london, still t'log-less..maybe it'll be in the post tonight)

-----Original Message-----
From: kakki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
What I thought was great is that the article is not *all* about her same old
rant ...
..... but is "refreshing, articulate,
insightful, funny, jolly, and cheerful."  

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