<<Isn't there a nice straight girl somewhere who likes llamas?>>

Jim, they should! Dig this excerpt from a published book about llamas...

The intelligence of the llama, combined with its good memory, makes it an enjoyable 
animal to train. As noted llama trainer Bobra Goldsmith often points out, somewhere 
around the fourth time that you show a llama what you are asking of it, it catches on. 
And in many instances, that's all you have to do. The llama will remember. That's 
quite different from the number of times I've had to tell a dog to heel or sit before 
it would reliably do it! "

See ladies, you'll only need to tell him FOUR times! Hope this helps Jim, and good 
luck with your marketing campaign...;~)


NP: The Clash, "The Right Profile"

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