--- Mickey Morose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I
am expecting Travelogue to arrive tomorrow I have
> already listened to the
> MP3 files. I think they are great but the backing
> musicians are a little
> muffled, but that will be sorted with the higher
> quality yes?. Anyway I hope
> it comes anyway I think I got a good price #12.99
> (approx $20.20)
> ...
> This is already a delayed delivery so here's hoping.
>  This wait is Killing
> me  :-)

I feel your pain. Wow - you only paid the equiv. of
$20.20 US? I'm sure many United Statesians paid much
more than that. I paid $38 Canadian, which would
probably be about $25 US, not bad for a double album,
with added *stuff*. Patience, lad, you won't have to
wait much longer. (I have a feeling my sh*thead ex
snaffled mine - he was over at the house Saturday, to
"borrow" the use of my computer, and wondering aloud
whether I had any new CDs he could take. I told him to
f*ck off and stop being a cheap b*st*rd and that if he
wanted anything that badly, I'd burn him a copy, if he
was too cheap to buy his own. But NOOO, he doesn't
want COPIES. Now, I can't find mine so I bet he did
take it> (Or I hid it so well before he came over that
I can't find it myself - I have a feeling that is what
I did, because I knew he'd be intrigued by the
artwork. Growing old ain't no picnic!) Anyway, if he
did take it, that's his g*dd*amn Christmas present,
and more than he deserves. Grrr.)


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