I guess I'm just gonna write a little each day and
maybe eventually compile them into a real essay.  For

T-log seems to me, today, like a collection of Joni's
Big Statements.  The Great Themes.  Check it out:  

By putting "Otis and Marlena" first, she invites us to
review all of these stories in light of the New
Terrorist Threat.  She's relavent.

She has included what I think is her 2 biggest
Relationship songs (The Last Time I Saw Richard,
Amelia).  She has her biggest statement ever on
Creativity, Talent, and the Fickle Public (Ludwig's).

She ends with "God Must Be a Boogie Man".  While that
works as humor, I think it might also be a sly

More eventually I'm sure.....
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