I can't go back there anymore
He lives in another time
Wave another day goodbye
Red is angry green is jealous
That was all she had to say
Still I'll take a chance and see
To see the place she's lately gotten to
Then you got into funny scenes
That all your work discloses
Sometimes voices in the night will call me back again
People hurry by so quickly
Don't they hear the melodies
But now it's just another show
But the one man band
By the quick lunch stand
He was playing real good, for free
I sing soprano in the upstairs choir
Don't it always seem to go
Don't it always seem to go
Don't it always seem to go
Don't it always seem to go
But you know life is for learning
So the years spin by
Oh will you take me as I am
I'm going to make a lot of money
Then I'm going to quit this crazy scene
But the songs you punched are dreaming
Listen, they sing of love so sweet
Just like Nat King Cole
And you want to get moving
And you want to stay still
They toss around your latest golden egg
Speculation-well, who's to know
I really can't give up just yet
They start bringing out the hammers
And the boards
And the nails
She's got all the wrong fuses and splices
You get bored so quick
I'm going to tell you again now
If you're still listening there
Now you're thinking
That's no substitute
It just don't do it
The gift goes on
You can't please 'em all
Caught in my struggle for higher achievements
The band sounds like typewriters
I went looking for some sweet inspiration, oh well
He drifts off into the memory
Calendars of our lives
Critics of all expression
No regrets Coyote
But till you get there yourself you never really know
But you still have your music
In search of love and music
My whole life has been
I pay a high price for my open talking
Anyway the best of my mind
All goes down on the strings and the page
Heed those trumpets all night long
To cheap work and cheap thrills
In memories
Of old friends of mine
We move in measures
We're middle aged
No demands
Just pleasurable sensations
I'm just sounding brass
And tinkling cymbals
I can't decide
I don't know
Which way to go?
Tonight I'm going dancing
With the drag queens and the punks
Try another
Land of short attention spans
Mega lights and supersonic sounds
People talk to tell you something
She says I'm leavin' here but she don't go
Recognize this?
Isn't there some other way?
Way back in 1957
Must I surrender
With grace
The things I loved when I was yonger
One day I just disappeared
Let me speak
Once I was blessed
I see the diggers waiting, they're leaning on their spades
The old man is snoring
And I'm taming the tiger
Formula music, girly guile
Genuine junkfood for juveniles
I'm so sick of this game
Life's too short, the whole thing's gotten
Part of this is passing
That's my very best to you

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