This appeared in today's NY Post:

December 4, 2002 --

IT'S the most famous song from "Man of La Mancha" and arguably one of the
most famous ever written.

It's earned a few million in royalties, and has been recorded and
interpreted by a wide array of performers: Frank Sinatra (anthem), Joni
Mitchell (folk), Andre Kostelanetz (Muzak), Robert Goulet (lounge), Jim
Nabors (bad).

And it took no more than a half-hour to write.

"I got the lyric in the afternoon, went over to my apartment - I was living
at 40 E. 78th St. at the time - sat down at the piano and just wrote it,"
says 74-year-old composer Mitch Leigh of his biggest hit, "The Impossible

Anyone know anything about this? It's a typo, right?

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