--- William Chavez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Overall it wasn't that big a deal
> Susan, for something that overall was not a big deal you sure do sound > insulted. 

Okay sorry kids - it's not over! LOL! Just delete and move on I don't mind and I 

Saw this after I sent off my last post.  Just because someone sees things differently 
- is no
reason for YOU to get so defensive, that you can't just let it drop until you prove a 
subjective point!  and NOT being a lesbian, though you may fancy yourself as one or an 
honorary -
you are not one!

Will wrote;
I just showed what I wrote to my employee (who is a lesbian) and 
> she didn't think there was anything to get upset about but she did say 
> "Will, these are internet acquaintances that you've made but you don't 
> really know them or there sensitivity level. You can't possibly construct 
> your statements through a medium such as this and have it suit everybody."

I know Will women are just too sensitive. <sarcasm>
And funny, I read this post to 4 friends tonight - none of whom I would considier very 
PC.  All of
them felt EXACTLY as I did.  One was black - yes I have A black friend too Will.<total 
sarcasm>  I
also heard privately from several lesbians here and a gay man or two.  I also read 
your comments
to 2 black women at work - sorry Will same reaction, not to mention a very PI guy at 
work - same
thing Will.  So thats my straw poll.  

I am sensitive - most women like that about me.  BUt I really let alot roll off me - I 
don't like
a whole lot of confrontation - it's a girl thing. <more sarcasm>
> >I am not insulted that you find a lesbian attractive GEEZ! It's that >you 
> >seem surprised that you do.
> Surprised? I'm not surprised, I've always been attracted to lesbian women 
> not just because some or many might be beautiful on the outside but because 
> many are beautiful on the inside. 

YAWN!  Heard this all before.  Thanks for the Hallmark.  

I've got a few friends that many would 
> consider the the stereotypical lesbian yet I find them cute, and funny, and 
> a great bunch to hang around with. 
Stereotype  hmmm - it's a regular part of your vocabulary - and you use it proudly. 
Could you
please describe this "stereotypical" lesbian to me - just wondering where I fit in.  

I find their issues to be more honest 
> than most other minorities and they can take a joke(as long as they know you 
> respect them deep down)

First he came for the lesbians .... then he came for the "other" minorities.  And how 
would I know
you respect me deep down, when you will not except my feelings to be valid.  You keep 
writing me
off to overreaction.  Me thinks tis you and not I.  Why is it I who am upset and not 
you for being
called out?  

> >I may very well be the only one who took it this way or the only one >who 
> >will admit it.  I don't care, THIS is the way I feel.  Too often >in our 
> >society the invisible lesbian stays in the background,
> I hope you truly were the only one to feel like this and I haven't found 
> that too many people on this list tend to hold back much. I'm sure I would 
> have heard other comments  by now and thankfully I have not. By the way, I 
> wouldn't think that a Joni List is a place where a lesbian should feel like 
> she should remain invisible, everybody here appears to be very accepting of 
> both gay men and women. I have found that a lot of people on this list joke 
> around about sex and their orientation in a very laid back and friendly 
> manner.

Is anyone else seeing how he's not getting this?  Don't answer please-  I am NOT 
invisible and
especially here.  Thanks for educating me about what is cool here cause I've only been 
here a few
YEARS!  I am OUT - can you hear OUT!  I am the one joking about it most times Will.  
invisibility comes from society as a whole -GEEZ!  I don't know what you can possibly 
have DEEP
down Will, cause all I see are shallow waters!

Ad as I mentioned I have heard from several.  And even though Bree was not insulted - 
That's all I ask for - a little understanding.

 Still, I'm glad you spoke up and decided to let me know that you 
> weren't comfortable with what you read. I really don't mean to instigate a 
> lengthy discussion that you might perceive as me being an ass trying to get 

MUCH TOO LATE for that.
And yet I AM getting the lengthy discussion.  Note to Self:Susan please just feel like 
Will wants
you to feel.

> you revved up but would you have reacted differently if you had known prior 
> that I too was a lesbian or if I had been gay or black. 

Abso-freakin lutely!  Friends of mine here and at home have debated similar & 
different issues,
this is called COMMUNICATION.  Also, I am not so naive to believe there are not racist 
and sexist
and bigoted people who may also be gay or black or whatever.

I think its a common 
> perception (that is probably true) that most straight guys like to bash > 
>homosexuals but not
me. Under the dark smokie veils of the battlefield, its 
> easy to shoot someone that is on your side, I'm not the enemy.

Ignorance IS an enemy.  
> >Must say I would be insulted by your reference to "crazy black
> >women" as well, were I black, WIll.
> I really do think that when your read this quote, with the sentence that 
> came before and after, that it is obvious that I was referring to the 
> ability of this huge group of black women to let it all GO and get CRAZY 
> because they were in the presence of their main man Barry White. The poor 
> guys, who probably bought both their ticket and their girlfriend's ticket, 
> were truly ignored because Barry was in the room. Talk about INVISIBLE! When 
> Barry brought out 2 sets of stair from the stage to audience so women could 
> file up and get a hug, they truly went CRAZY and nobody could have called it 
> anything different. This is a GOOD crazy. Remember-"Happiness is the Best 
> Facelift".
Possibly, yet connected to your original previous statement it loses some validity.

> >BY the way which pile would you put Joan Armatrading in the "lesbian" >or 
> >with the "crazy black women"

> I wouldn't pile Joan Armatrading anywhere because I don't personally know 
> her. I assume she is a lesbian because my lesbian friends tell me that she 
> is. The only thing I know for sure is that she is a "black woman" but I > don't know 
>that she is
a "black woman CRAZY about Barry White".

That was somewhat rhetorical Will.  

> Peace
> Will

Yes, Peace, (finally agreement)

P.S. For the sake of those who do not want to hear this argument I am truly finished - 
so feel
free to take the last swipe Will.  

NP: Diana Krall/Why Should I care
(I swear pure coincidence)
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