Pleased to hear Joan is popular on this list.

Back in 1970something I was given a copy of 
her first album by a cousin-in-law who worked 
for Essex Music, her publishers, who said, 
"I think you'll like this".  I did, very much.

Not long after a friend Mo Foster, who played in 
UK band Affinity (who were signed to Ronnie Scott's 
Management, as was Joan), played a series of gigs 
at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club on Frith Street playing 
bass in her band, followed by a UK tour. At the time
Mo would regularly pop in to where I worked, over
on Rathbone Place off Oxford Street, with wild tales
of the road.

I only found out in recent years that, before this, Joan
had been in the London production of 'Hair' ( along
with the likes of Elaine Paige, Sonja Kristina, and
Beverly Baxter  (Bev was in a vocal trio with Joan
for a few months after 'Hair' and before her first album).

I read somewhere that on a recent US tour, Joan
started playing 'Willow' but stopped a few bars in
when she noticed a guy in the front row on a cell phone.  
She stopped her band and asked the guy what he 
was doing!!  The red-faced man said that his wife 
was ill in bed and couldn't make it to the concert but 
had asked him to phone her when Joan sang 'Willow'.  

She got a dedication and a phone performance 
of the song lying in bed [surrounded by tissues, I imagine].


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