Bryan Symes wrote: "Amelia my daughters birth date is 1-1-1999 the tradition of starting out each > (FunFriday a grand day of visiting Book Stores Milk Shakes for lunch Toy > Stores Disney movies Etc.Etc.Etc.) is listening to my Collection of 4 > Amelia's in the Trucks cassette player First up is Amelia sung by Harlap, > then Joni off of Hejira, Amelia sung by Victor Johnson and the Joni off S&L, > today she asked me to play Yael's version twice and told me its her favorite."
Wow, Yael--you beat out Joni herself! And TWICE! ;-) Seriously: if the version of "Amelia" Byan's daughter liked so much was the one Yael sang at Jonifest, 2002, then take it from one who was there: it was, indeed, truly superlative. Mary P.