--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Bob M (SCJoniGuy)
wrote All kidding aside, this kind
> of
> sh*t makes me ashamed to live in a country built
> on things like freedom of speech. Not what the
> founding
> fathers & mothers had in mind...
> I can't stand the thought of a group like this
> either,
> Bob, but I think allowing them to voice their
> opinion,
> as odious as it is, is exactly what the founding
> fathers had in mind. The day we tell people what to
> say
> and think is the day we should really be ashamed.
> (Of
> course, a sharp legal mind might be able to
> determine
> how others' civil liberties are infringed upon by
> this
> gathering, but I leave that to a greater mind than
> mine...)

When Jimmy mentioned this, I thought it was a joke. It
sounds like a parody. How do you parody something like
that though? It's jaw-droppingly freaky. I guess no
one's civil liberties are infringed upon by people
gathering together and talking trash, no matter how
vile that is to those of us who abhor that kind of
thing; but if they're inciting people to commit
hate-crimes, that's another story. Theoretically, your
right to swing your arm ends when it makes contact
with my face (or something like that), but do you wait
for the contact? You don't want a society that's so
hampered by fear of offending someone else that it
just can't speak up - otherwise, you end up with art
by committee and holiday trees instead of Christmas
trees. On the other hand, this kind of stuff is so
offensive it's really hard to believe that these
people behave this way. It makes you wonder what kind
of childhoods they had that they could hate any group
of people with such a vengeance. To me, it's pretty
obvious that this is the kind of stuff where the civil
liberties of the ones they vilify take precedence over
their right to spew their venom; on the other hand, if
you try to make them shut up, you drive them
underground, which is probably even more frightening -
I'd rather have them out in the open where the rest of
us can laugh at them and shed a little light on their


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