

walt wrote

 >>>>>>>>Oh, I was alerted to the release date of
Travelogue by a local jmdl lurker who lives near me, and I forced myself
up, into the shower, and all the way to Virgin Records to get it -- my
longest trip on my own in weeks. I was shaking by the time i got home, but
BOY WAS IT WORTH IT!!!!! I wept through 
the whole thing on the first listen. (Robert sort of shook his head: "Why
are you *crying*??") Laughing and crying, it's the same release, or so i
hear. Joni lets me cry, at the moment. Most of the time I put up a good,
cheerful front.

I'm sure the list has been crawling with opinions and reviews, and when I
next have the energy, I'll see what everybody else thinks, and add my own
20000 cents then. Okay, a few comments now: I can live without Circle Game 


hi walt 

good to hear from you again,,,, i always look out for your posts & ive
been missin them lately.

i may never have met you, but you put so much of yourself in your posts, i
feel like i know you really, really well.

prayin' for you


np lee clayton - a little cocaine

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