I liked it when I first listenad to it and I'm lovin' it more every day.

A few thoughts:
Songs I could do without: Circle Game - tooo slloooww; Woodstock - not
one of her best songs IMO.
Song I am glad was included: The Dawntreader - Mr. Mendoza was a bit too
busy but I love that song.
Song I wish was included: River - my fave. C'mon Joni trash that VG-8
and sit down at the piano again!
And now my shocking confession: The last JM album I bought was HOSL back
in '75,  so,  many songs on TLOG are new to me.
The "new" songs I like best are: Amelia, Refuge and Hejira.
I guess I'll have to get the Hejira CD, an overlooked gem on my part.

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