TRAVELOGUE doesn't work for some people.  That's cool.
 There's no way I can rebut something that is given a
fair chance and is rejected.  So far, almost all of
the negative reviews have been respectful and that's
an advantage that rightfully comes with having a huge
catalog of well-regarded work.  All of our old
favorite versions are safe in our collections, of

If TRAVELOGUE was magically empowered to replace those
other versions, we'd all have reason to be upset.  As
it is, some people have listened and found no reason
to prefer Vince's new "takes".  That's cool.  I'm sure
there are some people who rejected Fred Simon's takes
and David Lahm's takes, and Pat Metheny's takes.  Lord
knows no one wants to hear "Lama Sings Joni Mitchell".
 I'm not twisting arms and I'm not gonna invoke the
cliched advice, "Give it another chance!  You'll love

Me?  I knew I'd get a wonderfully vivid studio version
of my beloved "Judgement Of the Moon And Stars
(Ludwig's Tune)".  I did.  

I heard it from the 15th row during the "Both Sides
Now" tour in Detroit in 2000 and I knew what to expect
and I was _eager_ to get it.

It was the first thing I played.  I played that one
track; I stopped the player.  I swallowed a lump in my
throat and sat, satisfied, in silence for a few

It's bombastic but there are times when bombast works.
 "Ludwig's Tune" is a big statement about the very
essence of creativity, talent, and fate.  The song now
has an alternative take that fleshes out the scale of
the story.

It works for me but you'll get no lectures from me on
force-feeding TRAVELOGUE.

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