In response to a message in which I mentioned I was thinking of moving to 
Saskatoon, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< if you want cold, Saskatoon is the place to be. Saskatchewan  is one of 
the few provinces that I havent been to, however, Ive heard nice things about 

Hey, Mags -- I actually have been considering Saskatoon, partly because of 
the you-know-who connection, it's a big-enough town, it's described as "a 
progressive prairie town" in one of my guides, it's relatively inexpensive, 
one guide book said (without laughing, so I assume it may be true) that it's 
the sunniest province (right, when it's -40 in December or +90 in July, it's 
sunny), and it's so much fun to say:

[In a bar back in my home state of RI:

Stranger:  Where you from?

Me:  Well, originally, here, but now I live in Saskatoon.

Stranger:  Where??!!

Me:  It's in one of those big provinces in the west of Canada -- Saskatchewan.

Stranger:  Get out of town.

Me:  Honestly, I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Stranger (standing up, ominously):  I mean it -- get out of town.]

And so on.  In all seriousness, Mags -- well, you must know this -- people in 
the lower 48 can be astonishingly ignorant of the Great White North.  One 
summer in the late '80's (again, in RI) a friend of mine from Calgary, a 
fellow grad student, didn't want to drive all the way back just for 3 months, 
and I got his car for the summer.  After a week of explaining to almost 
everyone on the East Side of Providence that no, the car was not from Alabama 
or Alaska, I got a break -- or that is, someone else did:  my close friend 
and assistant in the program I was running (she had to live in a dorm with 
international students and run constant errands) broke her ankle badly, and I 
had an excuse to give someone else the car.  This friend is exotically 
beautiful, and when questioned about the car's origin, she just shook her 
head with a shy half-smile and murmured "no English";  this would have gotten 
me murdered.

I should say that I am guilty of similar confusion in the e-world -- I just 
had to ask someone who write me a lovely note what the heck country "za" 
means in an e-address.

 <<What about British Columbia? It is progressively gay friendly as well as 
being beautiful and very warm. That said, Vancouver is expensive if a city is 
where you need to be. And all that said, that is IF you are serious about 
moving north to Canada . (I could be making some  prettty big assumptions 
here :-) >>

Assume away.  All joking aside, I do dream of living somewhere else that I 
can actually afford;  and I'm seriously unhappy with the current government 
here in the US (that being one motivation, you'd think I'd want to deeply 
study the government of Canada.   Ha!  As an American, I'm ahead of the game 
just knowing the geography, sort of;  I'm pretty sure Canada's a democracy, 
but I'm extremely vague as to what if any ties it has to Great Britain;  and 
the Prime Minister is Jean Chretien, which I find an amusing name).  So I do 
think of Vancouver/Victoria, Calgary, Saskatoon, and the Atlantic Provinces.

But first I have to handle the medical problems, and here (San Francisco, if 
anyone reading this has gotten confused;  I have) is pretty much where I have 
to be to continue getting medical care, at least for now.  But I can dream:

(To music:)

I'll be there soon
I'll be right ovuh...

big hugs, Mags (and everybody -- I always write too much, and then get lazy 
and send it to all the list),


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