Stephen Toogood wrote:-
> P.S. For people in the UK who have not seen 'Six Degrees Of 
> Seperation' you have to. It's on BBC2 tonight at 12:15. I 
> always get tearey eyed at the end. Such an exellent film.

Being at a loose end, with a friend over, and a certain
amount of red wine in attendance, I sat down to watch
this film.  

And I'm so glad I did: at turns funny, farcical, sad,
touching and mysterious.  Kept me guessing most of the
way through. 

Because I'm Pisces, and we Pisceans want it *now*,
I was therefore slightly dissatisfied by the ending,
purely because it leaves so many loose ends, so may 
tales untold, unfinshed.  On the other hand, it does
give me things to think about, to wonder about. 

Drawing on the assembled knowledge here present, was
this film a book beforehand, and if so, who by?  Is
the book worth reading?  Is it significantly different?
(Without any spoilers, please!)



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