>  Hell is cursing?  Give me a break.  Usually I would have said fuck.  I'm not
> angry and was never angry.  I'm from Jersey.  I'm a Jersey girl. That's how
> we talk. That's how we act. That's how I express myself.  It has nothing to
> do with anger.

OK. That's good to know. It's one of those things that would probably be
obvious in person, but not so in email (or not to me anyway).

> Maybe this is not for me.  Seems not.  It's kind of weird.

Yes, it is kind of weird sometimes. There's always some learning going
on, including the "how to get along" kind, and that can be annoying and
frustrating, but ultimately rewarding I think. And then there's the new
music and things like "who's Robert Graham?" kind of learning and that's
always enjoyable for me. I think the charms of this list take some time
to reveal themselves. The story is never in just one or even a few messages.

Debra Shea

NPIMH: Joni singing "but you know life is for learning..." (I take that
simple phrase very seriously.)

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