Favourite thing about this discussion list:
When someone points you back in the direction of a great recording that
you had previously overlooked (recent example, Cactus Tree on MoA -

Least favourite thing:
When someone posts a 'me too' reply, followed by a two page quote of the
original message!

Seriously though folks, just joined the list a week ago and loving it.

To give my twopenn'orth on recent themes....

Travelogue: Just fascinating! I haven't even got round to thinking
whether its good yet. Hope she doesn't bring out another album too soon
- going to take be a couple of years of listening 'cos I put on Otis and
Marlena then get DJRD out to listen to the original, end up listening to
whole album, etc. etc. (Hope she DOES bring out another album though!)

Wish List: Yeah, I agree with Moon at the Window, and, sorry to whoever
said it was their least fave but, Three Great Stimulants, which I think
is a great song.

Fave song performance: I guess everyone's trying to avoid the obvious or
surely someone else would have said 'A Case of You' (original version
over the BSN version, but only just). For the less obvious, the song
that I seem to love more than most (going by the poll list) is 'The Wolf
That Lives in Lindsay' - have to play it whenever I feel ' the stab and
glare and buckshot of the heavy, heavy snow'. And the wolves thrill me
(so much better that 'Kitty,Kitty'!)

Least Faves: One of those 80's songs that I'd forgotten about until
people here reminded me (e.g. Dancing Clown...). I think 'You're so
Square' is TOTALLY square for the same reason someone said that
'Twisted' was ie not Joni (though I disagee - I love Twisted but I love
Lambert, Hendricks and Ross)

Whoa! Getting too long - I'll save the rest. But just one question that
I've waited a long time to get answered... just how DO you pronounce
Hejira? Phonetic spellings please!

John Sprackland

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