
Thanks so much for the information, pictorial and verbal, on the I Ching!

But specifically, you wrote:

"So, if you have a hexagram consisting of twice the "heaven" element it would
look like

- ---------------
- ---------------
- ---------------
- ---------------
- ---------------
- ---------------

and also look like six guitar strings."

Well, maybe I'm beating a dead horse, so to speak.  But it seems that the "twice 
heaven" hexagram could also quite easily look like the exhaust trails of six military 
aircraft flying in perfect formation, side by side, immediately after executing a 
complicated maneuvre, with each of the trails dissipating just a little at the 
beginning as the planes get farther away.

That's our Joan.  Who else do we know who could possibly link the Blue Angels or 
T'birds, guitar strings, and the I Ching in a mere 4 or 5 short lines?!

Take care,

Mary P.

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