As was previously mentioned, Joni has a full-page interview in the latest 
Rolling Stone.

Since there was some discussion of the pronunciation of Hejira, I thought I 
would transcribe this little bit:

David Wild: The title of the new album, Travelogue, reminds me of 1976's 
Hejira, which you named after Mohammed's trip to Mecca.

Joni: When I don't have a title, I always go back to "The Songs Of the Sunday 
Painter". Somebody said "Joni, you've had that title for the last five 
albums," and I said, "OK". I had trouble getting to the essence of it, and it 
was really last-minute when I did. Making an album like this, it's like 
unloading the car on a holiday. You know, if Hejira hadn't already been used 
as a title, it would have been a good title for this, too.


NP: Coldplay, "God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" (Joni, if you like the New 
Radicals please listen to this Coldplay record!)

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