Agree with your assessment. I, too, often think while I'm listening to one of
the great songs on this album (Slouching, Sire of Sorrow, Sex Kills, Hejira,
Chinese Cafe, Dawntreader) "How can the music press not be appreciating the
astonishing greatness of this cut?".

I agree ,too, with your comments on her voice. Here is an instrument that can
follow the most complex melodic lines without ever even a hint of unsureness
or struggle to maintain pitch. (And she can still do this live as we heard on
the last tour) . There's no need to make allowances for some ravaged vibrato
or need to fake difficult passages by speaking or shouting as many singers
resort to as years pass. And the emotional expressiveness is as wide ranging,
maybe even more wide ranging, than it ever was.

And the arrangements are not, as I first feared, 'Joni-lite'. They are
complex, exciting, interpretations of Joni's extremely unusual musical
palette. I for one find it exhilerating to hear some of Joni's strange chords
played by many new instruments. And the songs that call for rage really
benefit from the huge orchestrations.

Finally, I agree that if she tours this album, it will be one of the greatest
concert experiences of my life.

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