Soda for me, too.  Dr. Pepper okay?

I've been enjoying the Travelogue reviews, good and
bad.  I like the album in general.  There are some
absolute gems ("Dawntreader" "Hejira", ALL of the WTRF
trax), and some drek - I won't name names, its all just
my opinion, anyway.

I've been having trouble with Joni in general lately,
to be honest.  She is, I think, coming across as
insincere in her rehash of why she hates the biz, and
this whole latest round of public bitching smacks of
the shameless self-promotion that she keeps talking
about hating.  I don't buy it. In the immortal words of
Dolly Parton: "Tinkle or get off the potty."

I've recently rediscovered Rickie Lee Jones, who I have
not paid much attention to in the past.  I'm not going
to make any comparisons between the two, but I have to
say that at this point, Rickie Lee has Joni beat in the
creativity department.  "Ghostyhead" and "Its Like
This" have been in heavy rotation for the last couple
of months, and I'm overly impressed with Jones' recent
work.  Its edgy and interesting, and bears repeated
listenings, much like Joni's albums up until Turbulent
Indigo, which I think was the last great Mitchell
album.  Not since TI (and the excellent Painting With
Words and Music project) has Joni done anything that
pushed her limits as she has always done in the past. 
I don't find TTT, BSN, or T'Log particularly grabbing
listens.  Why has she been treading water for the last
10 years?  I miss the edge, and I miss the passion.  I
hope it returns, or I hope she goes to painting full

I guess I'm with Azeem (or whoever it was...), and am
officially not longer worshiping at the Mitchell
shrine.  I'm tired of the posing.  It used to be okay
when the artistic colors balanced it all out.  Joni is
all one mean red, now, and this fan is not clapping.

That said, I do like Travelogue.  The overwhelming
sadness and weariness is stunning, and wish that this
album had been released before BSN.  This is the one
that should have gotten the accolades.

Who are you and what have you done with Joni Mitchell?

Reuben in Philly

>>> "chuty001" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/13/02 06:03PM
A bottle of red a bottle of white

Each to there own I guess.

I'll have a soda please.


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