Laurent wrote:

<< As some JMDLers have pointed out, there are at least 2 redeeming
qualities to T:
1. Joni's strange tunings played by an orchestra.  Focusing on this kept
me from falling asleep.
2. T is made for those who never heard Joni. Great, this way we'll come
across as more "mainstream" and less "weird" when playing  T as
background music to non-admirers of the QUOMB. >>

        My #1. Joni's strange tunings have always kept me wide awake, no
matter how increasingly subtile they get over the years.
        mY #2. i've always been dumbfounded that so many people don't
appreciate the total genius of Ms Mitchell. If T'log is what it takes to
turn on baby boomers to the greatest artist since Van Gogh, Walt Whitman
& the Beatles combined, then so be it!
        It too often takes centuries for humanity to grasp pure genius. I
am so happy to see our QUOMB finally begin to get the recognition that
she is long overdue in receiving on all levels.
        Do you naysayers have any idea how petty & pop your complaints
sound in the context of history???
        Beam me up Scotty! TPS.....
        NP: 4 the Roses (finally we hear it 4 the first time)

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