I doubt she will ever stop writing unless forced to it's a tough habit to
break especially if she continues to paint. I think what it really comes
down to is will she continue to share it. I would understand if she chose
not to especially in this era of music where a pretty voice with nothing to
say gets listened to far more than one with character and substance.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Little Bird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: Don't let her swan song herslef!

> >>>Maybe she just needs a rest.
> I think it's more like she needs a muse. She hasn't just been bitching
about the music biz, she's been bitching about the state of the entire
planet. I can see how writing songs about oil spills, evil nuns, wife
beaters, greedy maids and lost kitties would take its toll. No one can
really tell her to write or get inspired - that happens when it happens.
Having said that, she has a whole new aspect of life to deal with, now that
her daughter is a part of the picture, with grandchildren as well. Great
fodder for songwriting, I would think. Surely something or someone will come
along to spark that creative flame again. No worries - Joni will be back!
> -Andrew
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