My goodness! Well, now that Eric has all the power, what ever shall he do with it? 
Expose the "criminal" for all to see? Tempting, eh?
It's such a wonderful time of year to want to publicly mock people and call them 
buffoons, too! It's just heart warming and really restores my faith in camaraderie.
Chances are if our mystery man thinks Eric is a buffoon that others are on his 
"to-be-publicly-mocked" hit list also, since he is not alone in his appreciation of 
Joni's Travelogian voice. (Bathroom noises? And he calls himself a fan? Maybe he 
should look up the definition of buffoon.) 
The bloodthirsty shark in me wants to see his name in bright lights.
 Eric Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Today I received an e-mail responding to my latest 
post about Joni's
beautiful voice on T'log. The writer accidentally sent me a copy intended
for his JMDL buddies. It reads:

"see what i mean? this guy needs a good thrashing! my comment on him
bravoing joni's bathroom sounds did not, apparently, do the trick. i
think it may become my mission in life now to mock him, publicly. what a
buffoon! the king of the joni pod people... "

The writer sent me another e-mail explaining that he accidentally sent
this to me and apologized (sort of).
I've been pondering this all day.
Did some people join the JMDL thinking it stands for the Joni Mitchell
Diss List?
Am I now to be publicly thrashed & mocked because I've expressed my
growing love for Joni's voice & T'log?
Bring it on!
ET ;~D
NP: Borderline
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