So, I'm wondering, do we all share a Joni subconscious
when we put on a record, dim the lights, and shut
our eyes?

Hissing to me is hot and steamy and sordid and unhappy. i imagine sweaty men in their suits, anry and harrassed and unahppy, sweaty women, unhappy, angry and harrassed and thug type men, sweaty, taking advantage and using people and beautiful, but sweaty, young women, glazed eyes, desperate. the whole thing is rather dark. Happy ,little album.....

All of TI is dark blue, all takes place at night, among the 'sad and lonely'.

STAS-windswept and wild

LOTC - sunny and bright with a storm on the horizon and then the storm.

C&S-hot , dusty, high school times.

Hejira-blizzards, cold, and dark and drunk and lonely.

DJRD- steamy and hot and south american in feel-like being at Mardi Gras. again, drunk and lonely and sweaty and hot.

Mingus-bar full of boring drunks.

WTRF-dis jointed, not particular images.

DED-electrical storm-powerful and scary and exciting

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