ERIC wrote:

> I've been getting some nasty e-mail about my outspoken love for T'log.
> Today some guy accidentally sent me a copy of an e-mail to his friends on
> the JMDL responding to my post last night "Joni's Voice":
> "see what i mean?  this guy needs a good thrashing!  my comment on him
> bravoing joni's bathroom sounds did not, apparently, do the trick.  i
> think it may become my mission in life now to mock him, publicly.  what a
> buffoon!  the king of the joni pod people... " 


If this person really is no longer a fan of the Mitch, then why bother being
part of JMDL?

I mean, there's criticism and there's criticism. "Bathroom sounds" is just
plain mean-spirited and ludicrous and uncalled-for. You don't like her voice? 
Then don't listen to it.

I don't like each and every minute of T'LOG (so a "pod person" I ain't),
but I have great respect for Joni at all times. Her performances here are as
passionate and poignant as anything she's ever done.

Whatever happened to: if you don't have anything nice to say, then why say
anything at all?

We're not sycophants here; but nor should we be hatemongers. Some of the
reactions from supposed fans of Joni -- or ex-fans, if they really feel so
betrayed or something -- have been pretty fucking ugly.

in Toronto

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