Azeem wrote:

<< As a fairly outspoken critic of Travelogue, I would like to say that
this type of personal attack goes completely against the grain of what
the list is supposed to be about - and there's a phrase I've used only
recently, about traffic going in the opposite direction, so to speak.  I
hope the person who "accidentally" sent it to you feels suitably ashamed,
Eric. >>

Actually I feel a little ashamed for making this such an issue.
I feel like Joni must have felt after blaming the demise of the music
industry on Madonna!
What is it about our Joan that evokes such strong opinions & emotions?
The guy who "accidentally" sent me that nasty email was totally mortified
that I posted it and has apologized several times.
(Did I violate the JMDL rules with this, Les?)
I don't mean my cheerleading for Joni's new music as an attack on people
not so thrilled. Yet that seems to be the way it comes across to some if
not many listers.
>From now on I'm keeping my growing awe for Joni's evolving artistry to
Why do I care if anyone else likes it anyway?
Returning to lurkdom,

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