Two days later (this morning) the vet had to do the same thing, as Fang
still had a temp of 103. (100 is normal for a cat.)

Actually a cats normal temp range can go up to 102.5. Most vets will regard a 103 temp normal in the clinic setting due to stress. Cats easily stressed out in strange surroundings and will have an elevated temp. 103 is often considered normal because of the stress factor. Cats can also have a falsely elevated WBC cell count due to stress called a "Stress Leukogram". Why are you so sure your neighbor is putting out poison. Did your vet tell you your cat's clinical signs were consistent with a specific type of poisoning.
At this time of the year if you live anywhere other than South Florida ,then you are probably in an area where antifreeze is commonly used. Cats will often drink antifreeze that leaks from radiators because it tastes sweet. There are supposedly some newer formulations that do not cause problems but I'm sure there are people still out there using the same old stuff. Cats or anything else that decides to drink that stuff are in high risk of Acute Kidney Failure. Did your vet do any blood work?
Treatment for antifreeze poisoning needs to be instituted immediately and specific drugs need to be used. Regular supportive therapy will probably not cut it.
Don't be afraid of seeking a second opinion if "Fang" continues to deteriorate. A good Doctor will respect your need for a second opinion if you so desire to seek it.
Good luck to you and "Fang"
Peace always,

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