Yes, a lot of this is due to a declining voice for whatever reason,
but do you really think Joni didn't listen to her vocals before she put
this project. Absolutely she did!!!!!!!!! I listen to this project
knowing one thing,
that her vocal delivery is ALL intentional.

I certainly hope so...I would hate to think that someone held her at
gunpoint and forced her to sing in a way not to her liking...:~}

Victor in Asheville

No gun needed, just I little bit of persuasion is all it takes to get many singer to do something that they don't like. My comment is a reflection on that I don't think Joni is easily persuaded to do anything she doesn't want to do. Some here have mentioned how Joni has probably given in at times just to keep peace(maybe a form of understanding). Maybe so, at times, while she was married with Klein but I doubt much of that takes place now. Vocally I think she is to blame or praise for all of it. Musically, who knows, there might have been a gun involved:~} Many here seem to think that T is not really "Joni" (musically).

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