Bree asked for her 2nd annual trivia question:

<<Who am I madly in love with on the JMDL?>>

IV Paul??  :~)

<<What is the very first thing a person will do when entering a department
store?   (over 90% of the population does this.  Men..women and children)>>

SLAP the lady who tries to spray you with perfume!!!

and Kate asks:

<<my sweetest voice choice would have to be emmylou harris...or maybe alison
who's yours?>>

I'd have to chime in with Mags and Susan, definitely Eva Cassidy the sweetest
voice ever!

AND, A happy belated birthday to Colin!  May your bitches ever prosper.
Also I think a happy belated birthday to Garret on the 17th, you young
whipper snapper.


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