William Chavez wrote:

>  I
> think in some twisted way Joni has wanted a voice like this for a long time
> and I think smoking helped her get it.

You may be right about that

> Correction, Joni probably wanted and
> was very happy with a voice like she had on TI. On TI, the vocal
> deterioration had affected her voice to the point where it was "just
> right"-like sleeping in baby bear's bed. I loved her TI voice.

I'm the opposite-I can barely to stand her TI voice, there is no
body, only rasp and gasp. I think she sounds better on T'log...but not
that much different.

> I thought paintbrushes already came in different sizes?? :)

They do? Well there goes my analogy..(hmmm...analogy...the science
of the study of the anus....sounds reasonable, butt....butt.....)
up to his arse in snow north of SF, and just getting over the floods
from a few days ago

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