Will and Randy wrote:

> > I thought paintbrushes already came in different sizes?? :)
> They do? Well there goes my analogy.

They come in different sizes but you are both right - in my experience with
oil painting the little "hairs" tend to fall out of the brushes with a lot
of use and they can get pretty rumpled fairly quick.  If you are a starving
art student you sometimes make use of what you have.  I wonder if Joni
always keeps a set of fresh, pristine brushes or if she does make use of the
dog-eared ones for "special effects." ;-)

>.(hmmm...analogy...the science
> of the study of the anus....sounds reasonable, butt....butt.....)


> up to his arse in snow north of SF, and just getting over the floods
> from a few days ago

Been thinking of you especially, Randy, since you have been in the main
target zone up there!  Hope you ride it out O.K.


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