Lori wrote about Adam Mulvey's post:
"I could have gone all day, or the rest of my life even, without having read
that post, Adam. 
Lori, rarely offended but making an exception today."

Same here, big time.  Not offended as "shocked", as Adam may like to think,
with his dirty-mac type attitude.  Just offended as thinking: "this guy
needs help, but I don't think he belongs here", so I hope Les will draw his
conclusion if this goes on.

And while I'm at it: I'm also quite offended by the guy who's only just
joined but can't do better than whingeing that this list is full of
"anoraks".  Oh so sorry that not everybody was just as you wanted them to
be!  Well nonetheless you have been welcomed by many people whose kindness
speaks volumes for this list.  You're lucky that others (like me, obviously
less kind) most of the time just shut up and ignore posts we find stupid.


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