> And while I'm at it: I'm also quite offended by the guy who's only just
> joined but can't do better than whingeing that this list is full of
> "anoraks".  Oh so sorry that not everybody was just as you wanted them to
> be!  Well nonetheless you have been welcomed by many people whose kindness
> speaks volumes for this list.  You're lucky that others (like me, obviously
> less kind) most of the time just shut up and ignore posts we find stupid.

I agree with this, too. It always amazes me when someone joins the list
and right away is telling people who've been here for a long time how to
behave. That happens often and I've never understood it. Usually, it's a
"you should all be talking about Joni all the time" demand. A recent
complaint was about the supposed insults being passed around. This time
it was "you should say only positive things about T'log". Such
complaints and demands are very annoying. I imagine being at an
enjoyable party where people have made some effort to get to know and
understand each other, and then having a stranger SLAM the door open,
take a brief look around, and then tell us all what we're doing wrong
and what we should immediately do to please him or her. That wouldn't go
over well in real life and it doesn't on the list either, for me anyway.

People gave very kind responses to the latest "do it my way" newcomer.
I'm impressed. My thought was, don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Debra Shea,
thinking that's all the crabby complaining I feel like doing today

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