Saw the Kennedy Center Award ceremony on the boob tube last night. Paul Simon 
was one of those honored. A few observations:

1.    Paul's "hair" looked like Michael Jackson's face. How could he have 
left the house like that ?

2.    Those who have at some time in my life been my 'number one'  include 
the Beatles, Paul Simon, JT (briefly, because of) and Joni (the latter for 
only about 31 years). Two of those were there yesterday, as JT performed the 
Boxer with Allison Krauss (who held her violin but did not play a note - her 
wooly blanket ?). He has become quite a polished performer over the years, 
and their duet took me back for a moment to the James/Joni BBC concert of 
12/70. Sigh. Wish I had been at that one. Anyway, their rendition of the 
Boxer did not quite measure up to his version of River at the Joni tribute 
concert. Was that because of the emotional attachment, or is River just a 
better song than The Boxer (which is one of my - and everybody's - favorite 
PS songs)?

3.   Back circa 1972, when I was living in NYC, Paul Simon's brother Eddie 
told me that Paul did not really respect JT's work at that point. I wonder if 
he has changed his opinion. Certainly, Paul Simon was more ambitious than JT 
in exploring new avenues on his musical journey - some more successfully than 

4. To Victor:   My wife - who loves JT - loves  October Road after only two 
listens. I have no worthwhile opinion to share yet after only one listen ;-)

Bob S.

NP - Cotton Avenue - from Joni's 1983 Jones Beach Concert  

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