Thank you for your thoughtful email. I had received an email saying that the 
guy who killed Jaco didn't "really mean to do it" when he in fact he was 
beaten to death, as you said, murdered. I wasn't saying that his bipolar 
disorder had killed him either. But quite a few people had written saying he 
had slipped into alcoholism and cocaine addiction......homelessness etc. I 
thought it relevant to bring up the bipolar disorder as I'm assuming not as 
many people know about that.  I know way too much about manic depression, 
alcoholism, suicide, hospitalizations, medications and treatments to ever 
judge anyone about how to take care of themselves.  I am glad that what you 
are doing works for you and that you have a supportive partner.  My dogs are 
my saviors also, two greyhounds and a pug.


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