I totally agree with your feelings about this film. I am sure I will see it again soon. So dense and masterful.
And ... I *so* thought I was hearing Linda Thompson's voice too! but didn't read that in the credits, so thank you *so* much, as I enjoyed the music immensely.
Richard in San Francisco
n.p. Acoustic Alchemy CD

At 3:00 AM -0500 1/3/03, JMDL Digest wrote:
The music was very Irish, and I heard Linda Thompson's voice on a couple
of songs, so expect I'll be getting the soundtrack. I loved all the
details, such as the candlelit interiors and the dirty fingernails
(well, of course, people in those circumstances would be unkempt), and
after the U2 song during the credits, hearing modern day NYC street
noises as the only "music". The final shot of the film really got to me.
I'm going to go and see it all again soon.

Debra Shea

P.S. Mention of a Thompson reminds me, the new cd by my man Richard
Thompson, "Old Kit Bag", is being released in the UK on February 3rd, in
the US in April; for anyone like me who can't wait, it can be ordered
from Amazon-UK.

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